Hi there!
I'm Avril, and this is Eva - the inspiration and motivation behind beaubaby. Together with Eva's Daddy, we founded beaubaby to bring parents sustainable weaning products that are free from the toxic and hormone disrupting plastic materials that pollute our planet and our bodies.
Our mission is to put the fun into mealtimes with super-cute original designs that your little one will love, while making them functional and practical for parents. We're excited about sharing our growing product range with you following the success of our very first design - the koala plate. xoxo 🐨

Our Values

Putting fun first
Weaning can be messy business, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun. We design super cute products that little ones will love. We care about babies' development, so our choice of designs and colours aim to stimulate their senses and support them on their weaning journey and beyond. From cute kangaroos to wonderful wombats, we've designed products guaranteed to put a smile on your bubba's face.

Baby safe, earth safe
We care about choosing quality materials that ensure the health of baby and also have minimal environmental impact. Plastic pollution will continue to clog up the ecosystem for the remainder of our children's lifetime and every generation after that, meanwhile toxins in plastic disrupt our hormones and pose a very real health risk. Our choices today will determine our tomorrow.

Customer committed
We know that being a parent is hard work and anything that makes life that little bit easier is appreciated. So we are committed to making your experience with beaubaby a great one - whether that's responding to your questions, your experience with our products or resolving any issues that might arise. You can get in touch with us directly at contactus@beaubaby.shop. We love to hear from our growing community.