
Silicone Bowls Baby Sets are Safer than Plastic but are they the Safest Solution?
In recent years, silicone has become a popular choice for baby suction bowls due to its durability and flexibility. However, a recent incident reported by a mother, Laci Wornick, has raised safety concerns. Wornick shared a distressing experience where a silicone baby bowl suctioned to her daughter's face, causing a momentary inability to breathe​. This incident highlights the need to scrutinize the safety of silicone bowls for babies, especially when compared to alternatives like bamboo and stainless steel.
Should Toddlers Use Metal Cutlery? Navigating the Choices in Early Childhood
Discover the important milestones of introducing metal cutlery to toddlers in our latest blog post. We delve into the optimal timing for this transition, balancing the developmental benefits with safety considerations. Learn about the key signs indicating your child's readiness, the advantages of metal utensils for enhancing fine motor skills, and essential tips for safe and enjoyable mealtime experiences. 
The benefits of using bamboo tablewear for weaning your baby
Weaning can be a stressful time for parents and babies alike. One of the most difficult aspects is finding weaning products that are safe, fun to use, and easy to clean. At beaubaby, we’re passionate about sourcing sustainable and eco-friendly...